Integra EMEIA Conference 2024

Integra EMEIA Conference Athens 2024 (June 20-22, 2024) was hosted by Prooptiki with great success.

Integra International is an interactive global association of independent CPAs, CAs, Legal and Business Advisory firms that drive smart growth of their businesses by sharing knowledge and services openly and regularly. Member firms are leaders in their local markets and offer expanded professional services and innovative solutions for their clients, including meeting national and international business expansion needs.

Founded in 1994, Integra International has offices in almost every major business center of the world. Prooptiki SA has been attending conferences and tax workshops since 2005.

Integra EMEIA Conference Athens 2024

AI in Business, European Green Deal, Tax Evasion rules in Greece, Hospitality future in Europe, VAT in Europe for cross-border transactions and Strategic HR trends and insights were the main topics presented and discussed during the conference.

Many thanks to all attendees from Europe, USA, Asia, New Zealand and Africa for being here in Athens for the event. Thanks to Integra International Ltd board and the admin team for choosing Athens and our firm to host the conference.

Integra EMEIA Conference Athens 2024