Payroll services and applicable labor regulations are vital to businesses. The frequent changes in labor regulations and the evolution in payroll issues give rise to the need to support businesses so that they avoid errors and risks when applying the labor legislation.
Payroll costs are critical to organizations and their calculation requires delicate handling. Prooptiki runs a special payroll department and provides immediate solutions to its clients. Having the opportunity to work with businesses of various sizes and from different sectors, our personnel is properly qualified and experienced to meet any of clients’ needs pertaining to payroll issuance and management.
One of our key advantages is that our members are always and timely updated on the constantly changing labor legislation. Prooptiki has gained the trust of international payroll and HR management service companies and provides specialized services to international and domestic organizations.
Our payroll services are designed to meet the requirements of tax and labor legislation, as well as the needs of each company’s management and finance department.
In particular, we provide the following services:
- Payroll issuance and management
- Consultation on Insurance – Labor issues and support on labor inspection issues
- Payroll scenarios – Cost forecasting
- Payroll cost budgeting for the current or the following year
- Support in case of audits by social security funds and related inspection services
- Sepenet management
- Update on changes to Collective Labor Agreements
- Representation, management and resolution of issues with Public Services – Organizations – Insurance Funds
- Payroll of employees subjected to tax reliefs
Our advantages
- Provision of high-quality services
- Provision of customized services
- Accuracy and credibility
- Confidentiality